faculty LMS Installation packages

Class aptent sociosqu litora torquen conubia.

task & services
let’s test yours
basic but effective
powerup your business
go with pro
setup web and admin panel on your hosting
setup student and organization app
App name, logo colors, package name, splash screen update (all information is required from client)
mail setup
SMS & OTP Setup
Notification Setup(Pusher & Onesignal)
payment gateway configure
social login setup
google recaptcha, analytics & facebook pixel setup
upload android app to google play store
Revision upto 3 time
Translate all applications to your local language
upload iOS app to apple app store
let’s test yours
setup web and admin panel on your hosting
setup student and organization app
App name, logo colors, package name, splash screen update (all information is required from client)
mail setup
SMS & OTP Setup
Notification Setup(Pusher & Onesignal)
payment gateway configure
social login setup
google recaptcha, analytics & facebook pixel setup
upload android app to google play store
Revision upto 3 time
Translate all applications to your local language
upload iOS app to apple app store
Basic But Effective
setup web and admin panel on your hosting
setup student and organization app
App name, logo colors, package name, splash screen update (all information is required from client)
mail setup
SMS & OTP Setup
Notification Setup(Pusher & Onesignal)
payment gateway configure
social login setup
google recaptcha, analytics & facebook pixel setup
upload android app to google play store
Revision upto 3 time
Translate all applications to your local language
upload iOS app to apple app store
Powerup Your Business
setup web and admin panel on your hosting
setup student and organization app
App name, logo colors, package name, splash screen update (all information is required from client)
mail setup
SMS & OTP Setup
Notification Setup(Pusher & Onesignal)
payment gateway configure
social login setup
google recaptcha, analytics & facebook pixel setup
upload android app to google play store
Revision upto 3 time
Translate all applications to your local language
upload iOS app to apple app store
Go With Pro
setup web and admin panel on your hosting
setup student and organization app
App name, logo colors, package name, splash screen update (all information is required from client)
mail setup
SMS & OTP Setup
Notification Setup(Pusher & Onesignal)
payment gateway configure
social login setup
google recaptcha, analytics & facebook pixel setup
upload android app to google play store
Revision upto 3 time
Translate all applications to your local language
upload iOS app to apple app store